Tuesday 14 August 2012

Resume Writing Session

Attractors, here's the long awaited sample resume. Be sure to update yours. 
Remember, be flexible and add your uniquely appropriate style.

Sunday 3 June 2012

The Role of Parents in the Empowerment of MSMs

Cohort three of the TABS Empowerment workshop kicked off to a promising start, hungry minds, questioning eyes, a thirst for information and a chance to be heard monopolized the new batch of “Attractors”. I am an outsider looking in, I am also the Attractor, yet nothing like this new set of curious hopefuls, I am empowered and have rid myself of preconceived notions and all the baggage that once set me back from realizing my true potential.

The discussion that kicked off centred around parents, visualizing our conception in the womb and our coming into this world with the traits that set us apart from every carbon copy individual, the characteristics that make us unique and special, those we inherited and those that developed on their own. The attractors presented their tales through a number of creative mediums, from their mother they got their drive and determination, their zealousness, the sugar, spice and all things nice. But then a reoccurring sad depiction took place in almost every attractor’s presentation, negative imagery and a hopeless account of the traits they inherited from their fathers.

Personally, I have never had the idea relationship with my father, but he has always been present in one form or the other and like most of the attractors, I have a deeper connection with my mother. But it stimulated thought, how did this impact my development and how did his passenger seat influence in my nurturing affect my confidence, as a male. And how empowered can I feel as young MAN who has had limited interaction with the male figure expected to lead and steer me in the right direction.

Many MSMs have encountered less than ideal situations with their parents where they are left feeling judged, ashamed and less than because of their sexuality. But where often we fail is manifesting the drive to motivate ourselves, and forgive them for not understanding then hope for their moments of joyous epiphanies, where they can learn to accept and love us. CHOOSING to hold on to the emotional baggage of repressed thoughts and CHOOSING to believe the negative imagery painted by the persons we expect to love us unconditionally, indirectly we are also CHOOSING to be demotivated, depressed and think less of ourselves, thereby CHOOSING to supress our uniqueness and live unhappily.

Letting go of the hurt and the pain may seem hard, but its not until we make the conscious decision to be happy, and focus on that happiness and how we’d prefer to interact with our parents, family and peers, using that ideal to attract positive energy. Until then, will we be able to empower ourselves and the persons around us, and take charge of our own destiny and well-being.

Friday 18 May 2012

In Pursuit of Love

There comes a time in everyone’s life when they crave the simple pleasures that come with loving someone, and being loved. To share your life with another, the happy moments that will be cherished and the struggles that will cement the bond become the building blocks. Humans have always sought companionship since the beginning of time itself, if you buy into that Adam and Eve tale, but for there to be love, the pure and wholesome type, self-love should be the first step in its pursuit. To form the perfect relationship with others, we must form the perfect relationship with ourselves.

Self-love is often overlooked in the pursuit of love, people go about seeking approval and gratification from others in hopes of realizing their true potential and worth, entering relationships in order to feel loved, wanted and complete. But if we don’t take the time out to first discover ourselves and tap into our minds, realizing our own value, how can we know that we are not settling for less than we deserve?

True love and peace of mind first starts within, the belief and constant reassurance of our own importance and purpose in this life, being able to accept ourselves entirely, embracing the flaws that add to our uniqueness as well as discovering our talents and maximizing them instead of letting them go to waste. This self-love begins with the acceptance of our limitless capabilities, the power to dream beyond our wildest imagination, creating our ideals and working relentlessly towards our aspirations.

It is not until we are able to love ourselves that we will be able to truly love someone else, sharing our lives and entire being. Reaching a familiar impasse in life where we sometimes cave in to insecurities, allowing ourselves to feel insufficient and unloved becomes the catalyst for a change of perspective and a cry for motivation that can only come from within. We should become our own driving force, tapping into our reservoirs of confidence, pushing ourselves to the thresholds of our abilities, because it is not until we start believing naysayers that we are defeated. If we are not able to embrace and love ourselves it becomes impractical to expect anyone else to love and accept us.

In pursuit of love, the first phase begins with each of us, The Attractor chooses to realize his potential and maximize on his attributes, embracing his flaws, consoled by the knowledge that the so called imperfections are just what make him perfect.

Saturday 12 May 2012

Why Are We on the Defence?

Armours ready, adrenaline ready, words and actions in abundance. We head to the battle field of our home. Out into Society we go. Armed and steady.  Hold on, this is not Spartacus or the 1st and 2nd world War, not even a state of emergency!! Why as MsMs we have to be on the defensive??

Always, we are in combat mode from the subtle attitude, choosing words carefully to the obscene violence of words and actions. We survive by fighting back, by justifying. But why?? Do we really have to explain how we feel? Do we always have to have our guards up?? Think abt it. Is that what we call living??

Well my friends the Enigma chooses the offence. I choose to love myself and to be proud of who I am. I choose to relax and not worry abt fights, explaining and all things of that nature. I choose to let the ball be on my side of the court. I CHOOSE FREEDOM.  We do not have to be in constant combat mode. We are loving human beings. And society's problem with us is its problem not ours.

Let's choose life, fun, not in hiding or insecurity. Because if we do not declare that how we feel is right and that nothing is going to change that.. Society will always try their moral imperialism.. We have already won through acceptance and loving each other.. WE ARE ON THE OFFENSE

Sweet Enigma

Friday 11 May 2012


We as MSM'S sometime ask ourselves why are we attracted to males and our country is so against it?  The answer comes in a simple solution  they've got that comfortable place
on their shoulder that's perfect for
snuggling into while we fall asleep.
Their near-endless appetite for discussing
the ins and outs of work and
money - ours as well as theirs but what we really want in today's society is just to be equal and respected in this our beloved home jamaica .


The Secret of Love

Though I may speak with bravest fire,
And have the gift to all inspire,
And have not love, my words are vain,
As sounding brass, and hopeless gain.

Though I may give all I possess,
And striving so my love profess,
But not be given by love within,
The profit soon turns strangely thin.

Come, Spirit, come, our hearts control,
Our spirits long to be made whole.
Let inward love guide every deed;
By this we worship, and are freed.

I AM ME, Who are you?

Who am I? An outcast to society. I am looked down on and scoffed at because of my sexuality. When will it end? These questions perplexed me on a daily basis.

Growing up in a country is not easy at all as being a homosexual is proven to be a tedious task. Just to get by, I am expected to behave in a particular way. This includes, walking like a man, having a rough, husky voice, portraying to be a ‘gangsta’ as we might put it. But this just was not me. I wasn’t made for this. My walk and my voice were rather feminine, and as for me being gangster, it was the total opposite.
‘Sissy’, ‘Girl boy’, ‘Fish’, ‘Queer’, ‘Battyman’ are some of the labels that are plastered on me on a daily basis. As much as I tried to tough it out, I was broken on the inside. Everywhere I turned; there was someone to put me down because of who I am. I endured many sleepless nights, and have shed rivers of tears. I would ask myself why I had to suffer like this while confronting the challenges I faced.

My long journey to self-acceptance started with one step. I deep thought I’d pondered how I’d get over all these negative attacks. Many people struggle to accept people like me, but it has been just as hard for me to accept that I was different.  It took me a very long time to accept myself and love me for who I am – Gay.
We are different, and we should be proud of who we are. It is good to be different, embrace yourself, and sit and watch all the positive outcomes flow. What is the point of life is there are limitations?  Once we learn to accept ourselves for who we truly are, we’ll find out that life only gets better. I did it, so you can too.

Kiing S.S.
Relations and Ships

                  Relations are interactions that we have as human beings since we are gregarious by nature and Ships are vessels on the sea that may or may not have a fixed destination. Lets put the two together now, relationships are interactions that we have on a daily basis that may or may not have a fixed destination or in this sense a purpose of direction. Relationships are all around us… they are characterized by interactions so we have family, friends and sexual relations with people.

       Putting the focus on Msm relationships it must be understood within the context of msm relations. As msms how do we interact with each other on the basis of friendly and sexual relations. One of my friends once said that gay people cannot be in lasting relationships because they are too promiscuous. As I pondered on the validity of this statement I looked to the interactions of my associates (flirting, liking more than one person, sexually irresponsible , insatiable sexual thirst and the vice of instant gratification, negative projection, liars and fights). All these have become synonymous with the msm lifestyle. Do any of that sound promising?

    As msm we need to first accept ourselves and seek to establish friendly relations. Be civil, honest, and generous in your interactions and this will produce a culture of togtherness in the community that we can be proud of. These actions will help to wipe out the negative connotations of msm life styles such as being vulgar for no reason, fighting and dishonest. On the sexual realm msms should stop acting on the vice of gratifications. It is human nature to be attracted to people but it appears that it is intensified in this community because of its forbidden fruit nature. Guys we should have one partner and we should be satisfied. Not going around and sleeping with the world but being singular and responsible because the variety of diseases out there do not have favs. So be careful in that regard.

          If we can remedy our interactions on the friendly and sexual level then we can be assured to have good relationships that are not idealistic but very much tangible in nature. Our ships on this sea called life will have a purpose of destination because we will now know what we want and the 5 stones can be used in that regard. Let our actions and interactions be enabling so that healthy and safe relationships can be the new thing in our community because of we do not work together we gonna straight up fail individually. I am a firm believer that this community can be functional and holistic. We just need to be empowered and know that we are beautiful individuals in our own right.

Sweet Enigma